Friday, November 22, 2019

2020 Get the New Year Started With What You Are Passionate About

For the last few weeks everything I read talks about how what we think is what we create in our lives. In order to create success for the goals or projects we set for ourselves, we have to 
be cognoscent of what it is we specifically want.

So, for the year 2020 I decided to set some ideas into action by writing them down. I just finished a wonderful  5 day project about planning and finding your own way of making your life as an artist work for you. 

Louise Fletcher ,, and Alice Sheridan, are two amazing women who created Juice Up 2020 For Your Best Art Year Ever. I highly recommend going to their websites and FaceBook site to connect and get excellent information from them. 

They also have a workbook that you can download. Writing down your thoughts, goals, plans, special rocks (they call these big projects), and successes . 

What are you doing to get the new year started and filled with what you are passionate about?

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