Friday, March 6, 2020

When My Motivation is Slacking

Sometimes there isn't any reason why it is difficult to be motivated. I just have to wait for the fog to clear from the creative parts of my brain. Fanning it with activity in the studio helps. The more I keep doing the sooner it clears up. The ideas begin to flow and the inner voice gets loud enough to hear.

Writing in my journal also helps me when the ideas are not coming forth easily. Keeping ideas  and thoughts in my journal are helpful when the well is dry.

Looking at other artists work is always inspiring but I do have to be careful. I have to be careful that the work that comes after looking at other artists is authentic to me and not to someone else's idea.

Talking to other artists in any genre can be so helpful. They know what problems come up and have experience with how they deal with them. Being listened to and hearing support from my peers is always a boost for my morale and helps get me back into the studio working again.

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